Managing Day-to-Day Operations in Oak Creek, Colorado
Nestled neatly in Colorado’s rich and fertile Yampa Valley, Oak Creek, Colorado is a statutory town located in Routt County on Hwy 131, 17 miles south of Steamboat Springs. The town’s population of just under 1,000 comprises a lively collection of people, from local ranching families to folks from all over the country. With activities and attractions from snow skiing to boating and horseback riding to hiking in the National Forest, we also entertain visitors from all over the world. Have a look around to find out more about our town, and discover all the ways that Oak Creek is made for – Four Seasons of Fun!
Upcoming Events
The rink is closed due to warm temps. Please stay off the ice, and check back here for opening progress.

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Check out the Employment Opportunities at the Town of Oak Creek!