
Adult Yoga

When: Tuesdays 6:15 pm - 10/10-12/12 Where:, with Melissa Dobbins at the community center, all levels welcome. Cost: 4 pack $40, 10 pack $75, can be purchased at class. Description: Registration Form can be emailed to [email protected], or dropped off at town hall.


Adult Pilates Fusion Mat Class

4 week pilates fusion class at the community center on Thursday mornings at 9 am. Every Thursday in October. $30 for the series, scholarships available.


Cheerleading – 2nd-5th grade

Cheerleading will be on the following Thursdays, September 14, 21,28, Oct 5,12, OCT 18 (this is a Wednesday) and cheering at Soroco High school Volleyball AND football games on Oct 19th. For six weeks we will be hosting a Cheerleading for 2nd-5th From 4:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. Grades: 2nd-5th Cost will be $35, scholarships…


Adult Yoga

When: Tuesdays 6:15 pm - 10/10-12/12 Where:, with Melissa Dobbins at the community center, all levels welcome. Cost: 4 pack $40, 10 pack $75, can be purchased at class. Description: Registration Form can be emailed to [email protected], or dropped off at town hall.


Cooking (k-3rd grade)

When: Wednesdays, 4:30-5:30 -- starts 10/25-11/15 Cost : $35, scholarships available Description: Children will be transported to the South Routt Community Center, have a snack and then cook! Children to be picked up by 5:30. Completed  Registration Forms can be emailed to [email protected] or dropped off at Town Hall.


Adult Pilates Fusion Mat Class

4 week pilates fusion class at the community center on Thursday mornings at 9 am. Every Thursday in October. $30 for the series, scholarships available.

Halloween Hayride and Bonfire

Halloween Bonfire and Hayride Glas Deffryn Ranch 29655 Herold Way Friday 10/27 11-2 We will eat lunch there (bring a packed lunch), go for a hayride, visit the Scottish highland cows, etc. You are welcome to join us, children 5-12 are welcome with their parents or caregivers to enjoy these festivities with us.

NO YOGA – 10/31

Yoga is canceled for Halloween. :) See you next week