Youth Recreation


Creative Dance for Children 

Jan 14, 21, 28, Feb 4

Tuesday 9:30-10:15am

Register here.

--After School Clubs—K-5th--

-What to know before registering- 

Please note that if after several redirections from the instructor, your youth is struggling to maintain appropriate behaviors, remain engaged with the class activities or is compromising the safety of themselves or others we will contact you to pick them up before the end of class. No refunds will be given in this instance. If this happens three times your youth will be unenrolled with a prorated refund for the remaining classes (if applicable).

We close registration about a week prior to the camp starting. Please make sure you are signed up before then as we are no longer able to accept late registrations. Thank you for understanding.

Summer camp registration opens Feb 5th, 2025. Click here for more info


Basketball Club (3-5th grade) Tuesdays and Thursdays Feb 4,6,11,13,18,20, 25, 27 th. $30. This club will be held at South Routt Elementary School in the gym, Please pick your child up at 5 pm. We are hoping to play a mini basketball game at half time of the home Soroco girls or boys basketball game on Friday Feb 28th 5:30 - details to come. Register here.  Registration closes Jan29th, confirmation will be sent by Jan 30th.

Soccer skills club (k-5) --- Mondays and Wednesdays Feb 17,19,24,26, March 3,5th at the Elementary school gym, with Angie Baker. $30 .Register Here.  Registration opens on Jan 29th and closes on Feb 5th, confirmation will be sent out by Feb 6th.

Flag Football (3-5th grade) Tuesdays and Thursdays March 11, 13, 18, 20 at the elementary school, with Sunny Harmon. $30
Registration opens on Feb 18th and closes on March 4th, confirmation will be sent by March 5th.
Wednesdays, March 12, 19, April 2, 9, 16, Middle School Auditorium or classroom with Alissa Hill
We will have a show all together on April 16th at 5 pm.
K-2 grade - 4:15-5pm Resister here K-2
(3-5th) 5:05pm-5:50pm   Register here for (3-5thgrade)
Registration opens on Feb 18th, closes on March 4, and confirmed by March 5th.

Coming Soon...

Kid's Night Out

April 18th --5:30-8:30pm

Dinner will be provided, games, crafts and a movie. Space is limited.

$35/child, $65 per family

Acting Camp - Tues, Wed, Thurs (k-5) 4:15-5:15pm April 22,23,24,29,30 and practice and a show(parents welcome) at 5:15 on May 1.
Middle School Auditorium. (K-5). 
Regrestration opens April 1, Closes April 16 and confirmed by April 17th.
Gymnastics In April 7, 14, 21, 28, May 5th.
Middle School Auditorium.
k-2-- 4:15-5pm
$30, we are in need of a few parent volunteers for this club, please email [email protected] if you are interested. 
Registration opens on March 17, closes on Apr 2 and confirmation will be sent out by April 3.

Look forward to seeing you soon. 

Click Here for:

Adult Recreation

Middle and High School Recreation

Parks and Recreation (After School care, Fridays and Summer)